I was invited by the Students’ Chapter of Muslim Healthcare Professional Associations as a panelist to speak on fiqh issues faced by Muslim healthcare professionals on 20 February 2016, at NUS.
It was a solid 3 hours session (2.00 – 5.00 pm) together with my doctor friend, Iskandar Idris.
It was challenging and “action packed” but worth the “trouble”… very grateful to be given the opportunity.
It went well, by the grace of Allah, despite the usual imperfection on my part 😀
So as to benefit others, click here for my presentation slide.
Issues dealt with
– noble status of healthcare profession in Islam
– some guiding principles when facing theological issues for healthcare professionals
– Friday prayer for male healthcare professionals
– alcohol and najis in medicine
– daily prayers for healthcare professionals
– wuduk for sick person
– fasting for sick person
– prayer for sick person
– tudung issue for Muslim nurses
– suggestion & resources