
My Book – Perhaps You Would Reflect…. (downloadable for free)

This e-book is published by Al-Khair Mosque for free online reading and download. Click here to read online and here to download a pdf version. Click here for the Malay version of the book. As a show of support and gratitude, do consider to donate a sum of money by scanning the QR code below. […]

My Books:

My Book – Perhaps You Would Reflect…. (downloadable for free)

This e-book is published by Al-Khair Mosque for free online reading and download. Click here to read online and here to download a pdf version. Click here for the Malay version of the book. As a show of support and gratitude, do consider to donate a sum of money by scanning the QR code below. […]

Short Articles:

Short Article – Muslims’ Role in Food Security (Karyawan, vol. 19, no. 2, April 2024)

Click here for pdf version and here for original online version. By Muhammad Haniff Hassan On 3 February 2024, the Office of Mufti of the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (MUIS) announced a new fatwa (ruling) on the halal status of cultivated meat during the Conference on Fatwa in Contemporary Societies.1 The fatwa is significant, as an Islamic response to […]


My Book – Perhaps You Would Reflect…. (downloadable for free)

This e-book is published by Al-Khair Mosque for free online reading and download. Click here to read online and here to download a pdf version. Click here for the Malay version of the book. As a show of support and gratitude, do consider to donate a sum of money by scanning the QR code below. […]

Ramadan Advice:

Towards A Better Life After Ramadhan: What Ramadhan Can Do For Us 

(Note: I would like to thank bro. Hafiz Kusairi for translating this article. The original Malay version is available here.) Muhammad Haniff Hassan Ramadhan should change ourselves for the better. At least, it should be the platform that catalyses changes in us. Below are 10 ways in which Ramadhan can help us engineer changes within […]

Long Articles:

Long Article – Contextualisation of Islam in Singapore

Click here to read the article. The article is an introductory chapter of the book below. Click here for details of the book.


Make religious practice easy, embrace diversity

  Narrated ‘Abdullah bin Amr bin Al ‘Aas: Allah’s Apostle stopped (for a while near the Jimar) at Mina during his last haj for the people and they were asking him questions. A man came and said, “I forgot and got my head shaved before slaughtering the sacrificial animal).” The Prophet said, “There is no […]

Other Articles:

My Book (Translation) – Islamic Rulings and Modern Society: The Imperative Need for Re-contextualising Fatwas to Today’s Age

Click here for an overview and introduction of the book. To purchase the book, please contact Muhammadiyah Association (Singapore), the publisher of the book, at here. Click here for the Malay version.


My article – Sexuality Education in Islam: Between Apprehension and Permissiveness

(This article was translated from Malay titled Beberapa Pandangan Mengenai Pendidikan Seks. This English version was first published in Wasat no. 11/October 2016. Click here.) (c) Muhammad Haniff Hassan, 2016 Islam is a religion of fitrah because it comes from Allah, the Creator of mankind and the whole universe. It seeks to guide Man in all aspects […]

My book – The Father of Jihad: `Abd Allah `Azzam’s Jihad Ideas and Implications to National Security (2014)

    To purchase, click here. Read review here. Book Synopsis: This study revolves around the jihad ideas of ‘Abd Allāh ‘Azzām — an iconic figure in the study of militant jihad in the 20th century, history of Afghan jihad against the Soviet Union, Al-Qaeda and current threat of terrorism. This study has several objectives: […]

Countering violent extremism in Singapore (video presentation)

Video of my presentation at Imam Reference Group Workshop held by National Centre of Excellence for Islamic Studies, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, 4-5 December 2012. See the video here