Beyond our concern over SARS

© Muhammad Haniff Hassan, May 2003 Everywhere we turn, the buzzword seems to be SARS. It’s well covered in all the media and even tops the list in our daily conversation. It is now the number one public enemy such that a special task force had been formed to tackle it. Scan the pages of […]

They are angry with America for violating the system

© Muhammad Haniff Hassan, April 2003 Islam requires that Muslims learn from what is happening around them through observation (taddabur) and thinking (tafakkur). And one of the biggest event at present is the American invasion of Iraq. It is certainly not something we should allow to pass without taking heeds of its learning points. For […]

Always under the guidance of Islam

© Muhammad Haniff Hassan, February 2003 One of the important pillars that we should uphold in our da’wah efforts is to remain within the guidance of Islam at all times. What we understand and practice should always suite the spirit and principle of Islam. To ensure this, our main source of reference for any issues, […]

Sharing Islam while respecting the opinions of others

© Muhammad Haniff Hassan, January 2003 We should expect that a person of any faith would be confident of the truth and principles of his or her religion compared to those of others. After all, it is only through conviction in Christianity that a person becomes a Christian and not a Buddhist , a Muslim […]

Our da’wah: Law abiding & constitutional

© Muhammad Haniff Hassan, December 2002 Apart from following the syara’, da’wah should be operationalised according to the law of the country we are in. This is because Islam places great emphasis on being orderly in every matters. Hence our ibadah such as solat and wudhu can be nulified should we fail to observe them […]

Da’wah between war & peace….

(c) Muhammad Haniff Hassan, November 2002 One of the main principles of da’wah is upholding peace and to give priority to peaceful means. We should adhere to this principle based on the following reasons: 1. The name “Islam” means peace and tranquility. Hence any acts of aggression would not be consistent with its meaning. 2. […]

Democracy and us

© Muhammad Haniff Hassan, October 2002 One of the main pillars of da’wah in the context of Singapore is our commitment to upholding the democratic system. (NB: There is a clear distinction between democracy as a system and democracy as a philosophy. Democracy as a system refers to the mechanism, infrastructure and operational aspects of […]

Understanding the ‘ecology’ of da’wah in Singapore and mapping its DNA

(c) Muhammad Haniff Hassan, September 2002 Da’wah has to operate within its own ecology. Ecology refers to the environment as it relates to living organisms; the branch of biology concerned with the relations between organisms and their environment. Reference . In principal, religious scholars are in consensus that fatwa and ijtihad should apply according […]

Da`wah is not a magic act…..

(c) Muhammad Haniff Hassan, August 2002 Allah taala designed the universe according to a natural set of law and order (sunnah). Among this sunnah is that everything will happen at their appointed time. This is stated in the Quran. “For each period is an appointment” (Ar-Ra’ad : 38) An event will materialize when the factors […]

Star (Da’) Wah……

(c) Muhammad Haniff Hassan, July 2002 The Star Wars craze has once again hit us – with Episode II: Attack of the Clones. Oh no … this is not another review for the film. Instead we shall pick out aspects of the film’s production that we can use to further our da’wah cause. So we’ll […]