(Nota: Dikutip dari ruang Ask_Ustaz di rantauan.com)
Asm Ustaz,
I am going to be honest,saya tak pandai sangat pasal sembahyang bermakmum ni tapi saya rasa patut saya tanya.
Anak saya perempuan 8yrs old kalau saya sembahyang dgn dia
saya depan dia belakangkan? Saya niat makmum and go forward kan…thats settle.
Anak lelaki saya macam mana? He’s 10.kalau bapak ada dia
imamkanlah tapi 2 out 5 prayers,dad’s at work.
Apart than he sembahyang sendiri (dia masih iffy) what can I do? Can I makmumkan sama dgn adik perempuan dia?
If so how thats that works? And who stands where?
Thnks Ustaz.
a mother can lead prayer at home with her children (male or female) if they are all young (not reach puberty).
the position – u stand in front. ur son stand on your right, one step behind. ur daughther stand on your left further behind from ur son or both children stand behind u in one saf.
when ur son reaches puberty, he then can lead the prayer for all.